Fjedrene til porten i P-kælderen skal skiftes
Det forventes, at fjedrene bliver skiftet i uge 2 (7.-11. januar 2019).
I forbindelse med udskiftningen vil det i en periode på ca. 3-4 timer ikke være muligt at køre ind eller ud af P-kælderen.
Så snart vi kender dato og tid for udskiftningen, vil dette opslag blive opdateret.
Med venlig hilsen
Springs for the gate in the parking-basement need to be replaced
It is expected, that the springs will be changed in week 2 (January 7.-11.)
During the work, it will not be possible to drive in or out of the parking-basement for a period of app. 3-4 hours.
As soon as we know the date and time of the replacement, this posting will be updated.
Yours sincerely